How do you compare confusing offers?

How do you manage this major expense?

We have the top qualifications in the field of procurement. You can benefit from our Energy Consulting firm's expertise in cost reduction. Let us engage our highly qualified team as your Outsourced Energy Manager.

Outsource your utility negotiations to our energy consultants. Let us ensure that your pricing is at or below current market conditions! We do all of the legwork, and present our findings in anexecutive summary format.

Best of all, our fee is paid by the Energy Company!

Our Services Background
Our mission is simple... to assist companies in
reducing and managing their Electricity Gas
Expenses. Our staff of Energy Consultants
have the knowledge of the current marketplace
to properly analyze and negotiate your Energy
Contract and rates.

Energy Brokers Organization is a professionalEnergy Consulting firm founded to assist companies and organizations in making the most of Energy Deregulation in, Texas, the Energy Capital of the World.

Our energy procurement process is simple,
swift and effective, requiring VERY LITTLE
of our client's time... This is our finest attribute!

*You never have to speak to an Energy Salesman
again! (Our 2nd finest attribute)

Thank you
Kevin McCrackin
[email protected]

    Title Text.

The first thing you need to do is call me and let me do a free analysis of your bill and find you a much better price for you. That will save you big. Let me find you a cheaper electric provider for your home at no cost to you and I will give you a $50.00 gift card.

    Things you can do around your house.

    Typical improvement measures:
    High-Efficiency (SEER) Air Conditioners
    ct System Efficiency and Air-Balance
    Duct Sea
    Sealing Ext
    ernal Air Leaks
    Solar Window S
    ing and Appliances

    Kevin McCrackin972-341-7293

    Please Tell me more.

You will jump for joy because of the money you will save.

 You will have a new electricity provider/biller

 The price offered is ‘price protected’ for the term of your agreement
 Your will receive the same dependable electric service that you always have
 You will receive a new customer packet from your new electricity provider
 You will receive a final billing statement from your old electricity provider
 You will start getting a new billing statement from your new electricity provider
 If you have any billing questions, call the number on your new electricity bill
 If you have a power outage, call your Utility customer service number

 When you receive your first new billing call me to review your savings
 As you enjoy your long term savings …
… please tell you friends about National Energy 

Kevin McCrackin 
[email protected]


 Department of Energy tests show that eShield attic energy barrier can deliver more energy savings than twelve inches of additional fiberglass insulation.
eSheild Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why don’t building codes specify E-values as well as R-values?
A: In the last century, the only cost-effective insulation for the home was mass insulation like fiberglass, cellulose and foam that reduced heat transfer by convection and conduction. The “R-value” was the measure of how good a job those insulators did. Yet R-value measures only the smallest part of residential heat transfer. E-value is the measure of emissive, radiant heat transfer, the principle source of energy loss. New technologies make it practical to achieve extremely low emissive in window glass and in a reflective film ideal for the attic. As these low-E technologies advance, the codes will catch up and E-value will replace R-value as the primary measure of energy efficiency.
Q: Will eShield™ installed in my attic trap mildew-causing moisture in my ceiling?
A: eShield™ is perforated to allow vapor to escape the housing envelope – it will not contribute to mildew growth in your home.

Kevin McCrackin 
[email protected]


IThen give me a call I can help lower your blood pressure!

Kevin McCrackin
[email protected]

I can find you a better price on your electric bill. I work with many different providers to find the best solution for your needs.

ere are some facts:
*The US Department of Energy says that over 100 million US homes are under-insulated
*42% of home energy loss happens through the roof
*The US Department of Energy recommends your attic have an R-value of R38- R60, and most homes fall short of this
Benefits of the eShield Attic Energy Barrier:
*State-of-the-art foil laminating technology
*Stops 97% of radiant transfer, the leading cause of energy loss
*Guaranteed to save you at least 25% on your heating and cooling costs
*Works for the life of your home without settling, condensation or mildew
*Safe, Maintenance-free, fiber-free, and non-allergenic
*Usually pays for itself faster than any other home investment
*Qualifies for the 2009-2010 Federal Energy Tax Credit. The government will help you pay for this product, up to $1500
*Certified by the US Department of Energy

alue vs E-Value
value measures only the resistance to conduction and convection, but almost all of the energy lost in your home is through emission or radiant heat transfer. E-value is the ability to prevent radiant heat transfer. This factor is far more important than R-value in evaluating an insulation system for your home. eShield Attic Energy Barrier has much higher E-value than any form of mass insulation.
